Scratch buffers

Many Vim plug-ins need to display information in a buffer that is not user editable and does not get saved to a file; often referred to as a scratch buffer. The ScratchBuffer class, which is a specialisation of the Buffer class, provides a convenient way to manage such buffers.

ScratchBuffer creation

It is recommended that you use the get_display_buffer function rather than create ScratchBuffer instances directly. This function takes care of:

  • creating a new Vim buffer if necessary.

  • choosing a suitable name for the buffer (one that is a very unlikely file name).

  • actually creating the ScratchBuffer instance, if it does not already exist.

The get_display_buffer function takes a name, which identifies the scratch buffer. The exact same ScratchBuffer instance is returned each time get_display_buffer is called with the same name.

# Create a display (scratch) buffer, uniquely defined by the name 'info'.
# The buffer's (initial) name will be '/[[info]]'.
disp_buf = vpe.get_display_buffer('info')
scratch_buf = vpe.get_display_buffer('info')
scratch_buf is disp_buf   # True.

Displaying and updating

The show method allows the buffer to be made visible either within the current window or after first splitting the current window. Calling show(= without arguments, simply switches to the scratch buffer. Open in a split use either the splitlines or splitcols argument. The scratch buffer is shown in the upper or left part of the split.

The way the splitlines and splitcols arguments work are shown below.

     splitlines = -3                           splitlines = 3
.-----------------------.                 .-----------------------.
|                       |                 |                       |
|     ScratchBuffer     |                 |     ScratchBuffer     |
|                       |                 |                       |
|-----------------------|                 :                       :
|                       |                 |                       |
|                       |                 |                       |
|                       |                 |                       |
:                       :                 |-----------------------|
|                       |                 |                       |
|                       |                 |                       |
|                       |                 |                       |
`-----------------------'                 `-----------------------'

     splitcols = -3                             splitcols = 3
.-----------------------.                 .-----------------------.
| S |                   |                 |          S        |   |
| c |                   |                 |          c        |   |
| r |                   |                 |          r        |   |
| a |                   |                 |          a        |   |
| t |                   |                 |          t        |   |
| c |                   |                 |          c        |   |
| h |                   |                 |          h        |   |
| B |                   |                 |          B        |   |
| u |                   |                 |          u        |   |
| f |                   |                 |          f        |   |
| f |                   |                 |          f        |   |
| e |                   |                 |          e        |   |
| r |                   |                 |          r        |   |
`-----------------------'                 `-----------------------'

The show method tries to take care no to change the size of other windows as shown below.

.--------------------.                          .--------------------.
|                    |                          |                    |
|                    |                          |   ScratchBuffer    |
|     Buffer  A      |                          |                    |
|                    |                          |--------------------|
|                    |                          |    Buffer  A       |
|--------------------|   show(splitlines=-3)    |--------------------|
|                    | -----------------------> |                    |
|                    |                          |                    |
|     Buffer  B      |                          |    Buffer  B       |
|                    |                          |                    |
|                    |                          |                    |
|                    |                          |                    |
`--------------------'                          `--------------------'

A ScratchBuffer has its attributes set to prevent modification. The modifiable method provides a context manager that makes it easy to update the buffer contents. For example to add a line, just do:

with disp_buf.modifiable():
    disp.buf.append('A added line')

Managing the buffer

Buffer name

The name given to a ScratchBuffer is composed of two parts, derived from the name passed to get_display_buffer and an extension name. The extension name is initially empty, but can me changed by set_ext_name.

# Create buffer to display Man pages. It will initially be called
# /[[manpage]].
man_buf = vpe.get_display_buffer('manpage')

# Set the extended name, in preparation for display Vim's man page. The
# buffer's name will not be # /[[manpage]]/vim.

Special identifiers

A ScratchBuffer provides properties that are useful prefixes when defining syntax, auto-commands, etc. specific to the buffer.

# Add syntax highlighting for the Man page.
with syntax.Syntax(man.syntax_prefix) as syn:

# Create buffer specific auto-commands.
with vpe.AutoCmdGroup(man.auto_grp_name) as au:

Subclassing ScratchBuffer

The ScratchBuffer classed may be sub-classed to meet your plug-in’s needs. Youe should use get_display_buffer for creation. Just pass your subclass as the buf_class argument.

A couple of the ScratchBuffer methods are specifically intended to be extended by subclasses - init_options and on_first_showing. The init_options method is the place to set any specia buffer specific option values. The on_first_showing method is invoked once, the first time the buffer becomes visible in a window. This is useful for performing any initialisation that depends on the buffer being current, such as defning syntax highlighting.

class ManPageBuffer(vpe.ScratchBuffer):
    """A buffer tuned to displaying man pages."""

    def on_first_showing(self):
        # Add syntax highlighting for the Man page.
        with syntax.Syntax(self.syntax_prefix) as syn:

man_buf = vpe.get_display_buffer('manpage', buf_class=ManPageBuffer)