
 _    ______  ______
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| |/ / ____/ /___     The Vim Python Extensions
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VPE adds to Vim’s built-in support for Python scripting with the following aims.

  • Ability to write more Pythonic code.

  • Provide a toolkit of additional classes and functions to support complex plug-ins.

  • Be extremely compatible with existing Vim Python scripts.


VPE requires a minimum of Vim 8.0.0700 and Python 3.6.


The VPE directory tree is structured as a package with a single plugin. Assuming your Vim files are in the “~/.vim” directory, add a “pack” sub-directory and install VPE into the “~/.vim/pack” directory. One way to do this is by simply cloning the VPE repository.

$ cd ~/.vim/pack
$ git clone

or just unzip

$ cd ~/.vim/pack
$ unzip

The package includes a “vim-vpe/start/vpe/plugin/vpe.vim” startup script that updates the Python path so that the vpe package can be imported.